#HeySportsParents: An Essential Guide for any Parent with a Child in Sports

#HeySportsParents: An Essential Guide for any Parent with a Child in Sports

Matematika hasil dari kali 450 dan 2 berapa ya kak ko​

hasil dari kali 450 dan 2 berapa ya kak ko​


ini ya jawabanya, hanya di kali saja

[tex]\large{ \colorbox{lavender}{ \purple{ \boxed{ \green{ \star{ \purple{ \rm{«Penyelesaian \: Soal»: \green{ \star}}}}}}}}}[/tex]

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[tex]\huge{ \purple{ \mathfrak{♡Pembahasan♡ : }}}[/tex]

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[tex] \: \: \: \: \blue{ \sf{PERKALIAN : }} \\ \sf{ = 450 \times 2} \\ \sf{ = \underline{ \red{900}}} \\ \rm{ATAU : } \\ \sf{450~ditambah~sebanyak~2×} \\ \sf{=450+450} \\ \sf{=\underline{\red{900}}}[/tex]

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Note1 : Cara Terlampir

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Note2 : maksudnya 450 × 2 ?,jika iya hasilnya 900

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[tex] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [/tex]


[tex]\colorbox{ff0000}{} \colorbox{ff4000}{}\colorbox{ff8000}{}\colorbox{ffc000}{}\colorbox{ffff00}{}\colorbox{c0ff00}{}\colorbox{80ff00}{}\colorbox{40ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff40}{}\colorbox{00ff80}{}\colorbox{00ffc0}{}\colorbox{00ffff}{}\colorbox{00c0ff}{}\colorbox{0080ff}{}\colorbox{0040ff}{}\colorbox{0000ff}{}\colorbox{4000ff}{}\colorbox{8000ff}{}\colorbox{c000ff}{}\colorbox{ff00ff}{}\colorbox{ff00c0}{}\colorbox{ff00a0}{}\colorbox{ff0080}{}\colorbox{ff0040}{}[/tex]

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[tex] \colorbox{black}{ \blue{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \rm{༆Yoojin࿐}}}}}[/tex]